Oxford Arts Consultants
What we do
Producing & Programming
Strategic Planning & Governance
Programming seasons of work with professional artists and companies
Managing stakeholder partnerships
Community Engagement
Co-creation with communities
Outdoor events and festivals
Arts & Health programmes
Cultural events, forums, symposia and platforms
Exhibitions and artists’ residences
Permanent and temporary visual arts projects for public spaces
Photographic Festival coordination
Arts and health programmes
Arts and science projects
Arts and cultural strategy writing
Legal structures for not-for-profit organisations
Charity & CIC registration
Intellectual property advice
Developing and management of strategic partnerships
Incorporation of anti-racism guidelines
Environmental monitoring
Evaluation & engagement
Independent evaluation
Public consultation
Creative engagement & participation
Involving seldom heard and excluded communities
Project management & development
Project management of a range of cultural, heritage and education projects
Scoping and brief writing
Business Planning
Budgeting and financial management
Volunteer Management
Capital development
Feasibility Study
Options Appraisal
Developing an Architect Brief
Business Planning
Identifying funding streams
Bid writing to public and private sector grant giving organisations
Sponsorship and partnership development
Creative learning
Schools projects
Creative learning projects for young people and adults
Talks, workshops and other public engagement programmes
Other Associate Services
Other professionals sometimes work with us on our projects including: marketing, public relations, communications, social media, design and print.